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Diabētiskā retinopātijas retinoze

Esta publicación es para las personas con retinopatía diabética y sus familiares y amigos. Ofrece información sobre la retinopatía diabética. El folleto responde a sus preguntas sobre las causas y los síntomas de esta enfermedad progresiva.

Marinēti gurķi un tomāti ar diabētu

Proliferative retinopathy is the result of aberrant blood flow to the retina due to blood vessel overgrowth, or neovascularization. These pathologically overgrown blood vessels are often fragile, weak, and ineffective at perfusing the retinal tissues.

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-> Aloya tinktūra diabēta slimniekiem
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among people aged 20-74, but most vision loss due to diabetic retinopathy is preventable with early detection and intervention. Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy may include blurred vision, changes in central vision, floating spots, and even sudden vision.
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-Duration of diabetes, poor control of diabetes, pregnancy, proteinuria, hypertension, ocular surgery, ethnic influences, hyperlipidemia, lack of exercise, and smoking are all risk factors that increase the likelihood of the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy.
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If your ophthalmologist finds diabetic retinopathy, he or she may order color photographs of the retina or a special test called a fluorescein angiography to find out if you need treatment. In this test a dye is injected into your arm and photos of your eye are taken to detect where fluid is leaking. How is diabetic retinopathy treated.
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Diabetic retinopathy is a progressive disease, and careful monitoring can usually prevent severe vision loss. Patients with diabetes mellitus do not process and store sugar properly so that high sugar levels cause retinal blood vessel damage (diabetic retinopathy). Types of diabetic retinopathy.
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Diabetic Retinopathy Treatments. There is no cure for diabetic retinopathy, but several different treatments can help slow the process. Controlling the patient’s sugar levels with proper diet and exercise helps control the progression of the disease.

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