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Diabētiskais centrs Tveras reģionālajā slimnīcā

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Urīna cukura diabēta biežums

Ambilight+Hue bulbs can t be controlled during phone Philips Ambilight TV connects to TV. Ambilight lounge mode behavior is incorrect.

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Space What is the biggest planet in the universe? Answer by Swetam Gungah | Asked by Conor from UK May 4, 2014. The biggest known planet in the Universe is named CT Cha b. Its companion star is called CT Cha and they can be found about 500 lightyears away in the Chamaeleon constellation in the southern.
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After being embroiled into controversies over its data sharing practices, it turns out that Facebook had granted inappropriate access to its users data to more than 60 device makers, including Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry, and Samsung. According to a lengthy report published.

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